What Is A Cross Lock

This guide will introduce you to what a cross lock is.

There are various names for cross locks. Cross locks and Zeiss locks are their names. Other names than “Zeiss” describe how the key and keyway are shaped. It appears to accommodate a Phillips screwdriver. It resembles the plus sign (+). Cross lock refers to the fact that it is a cross. Cruciform refers to something that is “formed or arranged in the shape of a cross.” With four key combinations in one key, it features a small keyway. Some people might find this lock unusual. The lock’s appearance, etymology, and level of protection all pique the interest of potential users. At barhomevip.com, a sufficient Lock Picking Set can be purchased.

How does a cross lock work

There are many labels for this type of lock. It was either called a cross lock because of its shape, or a Zeiss lock by whoever invented it. If you look at the keyhole, it’s shaped like a cross. This lock type works similarly to a tumbler lock. The cross lock has four cut lines, each with a set of pins. The normal version of this lock has 16 pins, but you can buy a more secure lock with 20 pins. Therefore, the lock is harder to pick because it would take too much time to deal with all those pins. However, it is crucial to ensure that the lock is of high quality because many manufacturers produce low-quality versions that only offer you phony protection.

The use of cross lock

One of their most common uses is to secure a steering wheel. It prevents your car from being stolen without the key in the ignition because it stops your wheels from moving. You can usually see them on safes. If you’ve ever used Sentry Safe, you’ve probably dealt with this type of lock. Their rarity is one of their greatest advantages, as many criminals may not know how to deal with them. They give an impression of high security. Many car owners choose this type of lock for their garage doors due to its efficiency and level of protection. If you are sure this lock is right for your needs, then you can always turn to the services of a professional residential or safe locksmith.

How to choose a cross lock

There are three common ways to pick a cross lock:

Cross lock pick

The lock consists of five main components. The main parts of the pick tool are:

Tines: Four pick wires (tines) with tips resembling a half-diamond. The main difference is that the tip of the diamond is rounded. These are usually made of very cheap metal and break easily.

Tension Forks: Four bars that snap into keyways so that the lock is tensioned when the unit is turned.

Tensioning Wheel: Turn the device to tension the lock.

Plunger: Moves the tines in and out of the lock. This tilts each keyway simultaneously.

Threaded Shaft and Guard: Supports the tension fork by fitting snugly against the lock face. Without this support, the prongs are more likely to snap off.

Building these is typically not expensive. The device would become unusable if the tines snapped off. The keyway’s size might vary greatly, which can make some cross-shaped particular picks in your lock pick set ineffective. Check to see that the keyway on the tensioning fork fits. Either too narrow or too wide. Another lock is required if the prongs don’t fit.

Cross trial key

The key is designed to turn the keyway like a key by clicking out of the lock, pushing in, and turning simultaneously.


Pulling the lock tight can be challenging when using SPP (Single Pin Picking). Oversetting the pins is the method’s largest risk. Make sure you haven’t just set the safety pin incorrectly before deciding to remove the tension and reset it.

A cross lock combines many locks. It is a byproduct of the progression of locks from the typical tumbler lock to the tubular lock (which is still a tumbler). They may guarantee more protection or make untrue promises of more protection. To view our variety of Lock Picking Kit, visit barhomevip.com.

Are Expensive Locks More Secure?

This guide will address whether expensive locks are more secure.

The idea that a device’s quality increases with price is widely held. But is it actually true? You’re probably more inclined to choose a more expensive brand if we’re talking about an automobile. This makes sense given that a car is a significant investment that should last for many years and that you want it to be secure and comfortable. The same holds true for door locks. But it’s impossible to declare for sure that the priciest lock is the finest choice for you. You can purchase a sufficient Lock Picking Set at barhomevip.com because this post will examine whether it is worthwhile to purchase pricey locks with the newest security features for our houses and offices.

No more lost or stolen keyed Door locks

First, expensive locks do have their benefits. They eliminate the need for physical keys, which can easily be lost, misplaced or stolen. Keyless locks also force thieves to be creative and use different methods of entry. This includes kicking the front door or smashing windows. Both actions usually cause a commotion, drawing the attention of passers-by, neighbors, police officers patrolling the street at night, and even people who may have been inside the home at the time of the attempted robbery.

Very difficult to tamper with the lock

Smart locks are much more secure than mechanical ones, which can be tampered with or pried open. The lock can only be opened by thieves skilled in smart lock technology. The majority of thieves mainly care about picking simple, clever locks. They typically steer clear of drilling or cutting doors since it makes a lot of noise and alerts nearby residents that criminals are trying to break in.

Prevent accidental locking

When people close the door and leave, they frequently forget to bring their keys, resulting in unintentional lockouts. Because smart locks employ technology akin to biometrics, the likelihood of accidental locking is considerably diminished. When they are confined outside of their homes, many people become frustrated. When young children or elderly adults are around, stress levels may rise. These locks could previously only be opened by an experienced locksmith. While hiring a locksmith is an option, it is preferable to avoid these situations altogether.

Smart locks are better than home security alarms

Many homes have home security systems, but dogs or the weather sometimes cause false alarms to go off. As a result, family members frequently choose not to look into false alarms. Robbers frequently keep an eye on the homes they intend to rob, and if the owners disobey the alarms, they might take advantage of this to break in. On the other side, robbers would either kick open doors or break windows, which would make noise, because smart locks cannot be tampered with. Locals or police on patrol are typically alerted by this sounds.

Expensive locks help make insurance claims easier

Making a police or insurance claim after having your home broken into or having things taken is sometimes like hitting a wall. You will have a difficult time persuading authorities that your home was indeed the victim of a burglary if there is not enough evidence and there are no indications of forced entry on your standard lock. Insurance companies can suspect you of trying to commit insurance fraud if there are no evidence of entry. So you’ll be grateful later if your home is the victim of property crime.

Let a qualified residential locksmith install a high security lock on your front door, upgrading and replacing your old, worn-out locks with the best option. To view our variety of Lock Picking Kit, visit barhomevip.com.